Website, admin panel, api development
HTML, CSS, jQuery, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Laravel 11, MySQL
Website and admin panel
HTML, CSS, jQuery, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Laravel 10, MySQL
Full-stack development both web and admin modules
HTML, CSS, jQuery, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Laravel, MySQL
HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, Laravel, MySQL
Website customization
ERP UI, Invoice, Reporting graphs, User, Product catalog, Bulk stock/expense/purchase, Summarized bill etc
Java SpringBoot, HTML, jQuery, JavaScript, Bootstrap
Figma to react custom component UI
ReactJS, TailwindCSS, ES6, NPM, git, webPack
Login, Registration, Notice, Members, Events, Blood Bank, Doctor Directory etc modules
ReactJS, MaterialUI, Figma, ES6, API integration
Login, User, Settings, survey API testing modules etc
ReactJS, MaterialUI, ES6, API integration, Docker
Re-arranged full website UI. Contact Form, Services, Photo Gallery UI.
HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, jQuery, JavaScript
Re-designed full website from table based UI to modern UI
Built web layouts, widgets UI and more
HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery
HTML, CSS, jQuery, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Laravel
Built web layouts and UI using raw css and javascript.
HTML, CSS, SCSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, PHP
Built full website with admin UI and more
Developed, re-developed both web and admin modules
HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, VueJS, JavaScript, Laravel
Re-designed web UI
HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP
Login Registration Reset Password Forgot password Contact Form
Web: Content load more, dynamic adds inside content, timeline. Admin: Cron job - schedule post, Tag autocomple, Content position etc.
jQuery, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL
Web: Content load more, dynamic adds inside content, timeline. Admin: Dynamic event, Tag autocomple, Content position etc.